Hey! At first, thank you about updated blog always, but i noticed you have two flashback memory events for February but unfortunately Paris is winner:)
Hi. Lady Popular in survey announcement mentioned that they will pick two first memory winners as flashback events. By the way, they also mentioned that in March survey we will not only going to have Fashion magazine and Slots flashback events, but the Levels and Lives 'Hot Pink' flashback event as well. Feels like that we are starting to get three flashbacks in a month, not two as we were used to.
Hey! At first, thank you about updated blog always, but i noticed you have two flashback memory events for February but unfortunately Paris is winner:)
AtsakytiPanaikintiHi. Lady Popular in survey announcement mentioned that they will pick two first memory winners as flashback events. By the way, they also mentioned that in March survey we will not only going to have Fashion magazine and Slots flashback events, but the Levels and Lives 'Hot Pink' flashback event as well. Feels like that we are starting to get three flashbacks in a month, not two as we were used to.